简介:snap inc. is a camera company.camera plays a vital role to snapchat's business as a multimedia communication tool. millions of users open snapchat camera every day to take photos/videos, apply creative tools and share them with friends. our camera team strives to build the best camera for mobile devices so everyone can use snapchat as their preferred camera. we want to make the snapchat camera applications better, faster, smarter and more creative so it allows our users to efficiently communicate experience and gather information through creative multimedia content.认为我们只会玩“阅后即焚”的快感? 怀疑我们没有足够丰富的emoji? 觉得我们的用户“图样图森破”? 我们还有零套路的“story”以及即将改写智能潮流的spectacles. snap inc. 你想要的姿势全都有! dare to show ,够胆你就来!snap inc., 要你敢想敢为!真心,你现在用的你认为很牛的一些camera apps,其实都是snap的蹩脚模仿者。现在加入我们,加入我们在中国深圳的团队,你可以参与camera app开发以及 见证炫酷的spectacles诞生,成为真正的builder, 制造更多的爆款.迅击信息科技(深圳)有限公司是snap inc.在亚洲的全资分公司。公司成立于2016年9月,办公室位于福田中心区cbd的嘉里建设大厦. 你的加入将影响千万个海外的用户,改变世界就靠你!一直被模仿,从未被超越。
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