简介:迈锐恩(marian)是一家拥有五十六年历史的美资企业,总部位于美国印第安纳州,专注于为通讯,电子,医疗及汽车行业提供高精密的元器件,在模切行业一直处于全球领先的地位。目前有十八家工厂,包括十个模切工厂,分布在世界各地。迈锐恩精密元器件(深圳)有限公司成立于2010年3月,注册资本为100万美元,主要从事电子元器件及精密零部件的开发、生产、销售,公司目前有500多人。迈锐恩拥有开放与包容的企业文化,和自由,高效、和谐的工作环境。目前迈锐恩正处在快速成长期,诚邀广大英才加盟!关于公司和产品的更多信息, 请登陆网站www.marianinc.com 查询。marian is a global leader in providing precision die-cut component parts for customers in the consumer electronics, automotive, and medical industries. with over 500,000 square feet of production space worldwide and state-of – the- art manufacturing technologies, marian engineers work closely with customers to solve complex manufacturing and assembly problems. marian’s responsive approach, in-depth material knowledge, innovative manufacturing capabilities, and high standards for quality all add up to provide you with the best component solutions in the industry.please visit www.marianinc.com for more information about marian and its products.if any questions,pls contact with sz_recruitment@marianasia.com
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