简介:steinhoff is a multi-national group which was founded in 1964 in germany and listed in 1998 on the johannesburg stock exchange. the group manufactures sources and retails furniture and household goods in europe, africa and the pacific rim.in september 2003, steinhoff group set up steinhoff germany gmbh shenzhen representative office in shenzhen. from july 2013, the office has been officially named as steinhoff international trading (shenzhen) limited and became an important member of steinhoff international sourcing and trading limited.steinhoff international sourcing and trading limited is a service provider to the group. its core objective is to create a distinct competitive advantage in retail and wholesale dealing, by providing speed-to-market of exclusive, quality approved products at competitive prices.after continuous pioneering and hard work, the company now owns foreign and chinese employees more than 250, and has developed as the procurement service center of the group in asia.welcome to join this well-united, enterprising, precise, lively and fast-developing team for future development of the company. study hard and be up-and-coming. wish you pleasant work.石庭豪夫集团于1964年在德国成立,1998年在约翰内斯堡证券交易所上市,是一家多元化的跨国企业。 集团主营家具及家居用品的生产、采购及零售业务,业务范围覆盖欧洲、非洲以及环太平洋地区。2003年9月,石庭豪夫集团在中国深圳正式设立德国石庭豪夫有限公司深圳代表处。从2013年7月1日起代表处正式更名为石庭豪夫国际贸易(深圳)有限公司,继续作为石庭豪夫集团的重要成员拓展亚洲采购业务。我们致力于为集团在亚洲提供全面的采购服务,将提供快速适应市场需求、独具特色、质优价廉的家具、家居及家电产品作为核心目标,从而为集团的零售及批发经营建立战略竞争优势。经过不断开拓进取、努力奋进,如今公司在亚洲地区拥有外藉及中国雇员250多人,已发展成为本集团亚洲区的采购服务中心。欢迎加入这个团结向上、细致严谨、充满活力、快速发展的团队,共同参与公司未来的发展,继续学习,积极进取,祝您工作愉快!薪酬提供具有市场竞争力的薪酬待遇社会保险和住房公积金按照国家规定为员工购买养老保险、医疗保险、工伤保险、失业保险、生育保险和住房公积金补充商业保险公司为每位员工及其子女购买补充商业医疗保险福利,提供更加系统全面的医疗保障假期福利按国家法律规定及公司政策,员工享有双休、法定假期、带薪年假、病假、婚假、产假等各类丰厚的假期工作环境办公地点位于福田车公庙甲级写字楼,交通便利,配套完善,为员工提供安全、舒适的工作环境个人发展开阔的工作平台及国际化的视野,与世界各地的工作伙伴和亚洲地区供应商的有众多的交流与合作的机会
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