shenzhen institute of information technology (sziit) is seeking 15 foreign teachers to enhance our academic disciplinary system, cultivate talented students, and advance scientific research. the recruitment details are outlined below:
i. basic requirements
we are looking for candidates who are friendly towardschina, abide by chinese laws and regulations, and are in good physical and mental health. applicants must demonstrate good conduct, a clean criminal record, high professional ethics, and a strong ability for teamwork.
ii. specific requirements for each position
see“shenzhen institute of information technology recruitment announcement for foreign teachers in may2024”(attachment 1).
iii. contract period
professional technical teachers are employed on a three-year contract, while foreign language teachers are on a one-year contract. at the end of these terms, a performance evaluation will be conducted based on the requirements of the respective positions. those who pass the evaluation will be processed for contract renewal in accordance with relevant policies, whereas those who fail to meet the evaluation criteria will not be offered an extension.
iv. compensation package
salary and benefits will be determined according to sziit's compensation framework for staff members.
v. application window
applications will be accepted starting may 15, 2024.
vi. how to apply
interested individuals are encouraged to apply within the designated period by filling out the "shenzhen institute of information technology applicant registration form" (attachment 2). please send this form, along with color scans of pertinent documents (such as the photo page of your passport, degree certificates, professional qualifications, etc.) and your resume, to the email provided below.
phone: ms.wang, 0755-89226064
email address: rlzyc@sziit.edu.cn
vii. selection process
sziit will screen all resumes and shortlist candidates for the next stage. those advancing will receive further information regarding the time, location, and method of the assessment.
viii. other information
candidates who pass the assessment and are approved by administrators of sziit will proceed with medical examination procedures, contract signing, relevant permissions, and other onboarding processes, as per the guidelines set by local authorities and sziit.
note:foreigners who work inchinashall obtain valid work permit and work-type residence permits in accordance with relevant regulations. otherwise shall be deemed unlawful employment.
shenzhen institute of information technology
may 15, 2024
sziit recruitment plan of foreign teachers (may 2024)
序号 sr.no | 部门名称 department name | 部门简介 department overview | 教研室/研究所/项目简介 introduction to the teaching and research office/institute/program | 岗位名称 job title | 岗位类型 job type | 招聘人数 headcount | 岗位条件要求 job requirements | 岗位职责 responsibilities | |||
学历 educational background | 学位 degree | 专业(学科)要求 field of expertise | 与岗位有关的其他条件 other qualifications | ||||||||
岗位1 position 1 | 中德机器人学院 school of sino-german robotics | 中德机器人学院是深圳市教育局与德国巴伐利亚州文教部签约开展的中德职业教育深度合作交流项目;是我校与巴伐利亚州文教部合作举办的二级学院,于2017年3月挂牌成立,2017年9月首次迎新。学院引入德国职业教育理念,参照德国“双元制”模式和专业课程标准,以“精品化教学、小班化管理、个性化发展”为办学特色,培养具有国际视野、具备工匠精神的国际化复合型技能人才。 the school of sino-german robotics is a vocational education program through cooperation between the education bureau of shenzhen municipality and the bavarian state ministry for education. it was inaugurated in march 2017 as a secondary college, with its first intake of students in september of the same year. the school adopts german vocational educational principles, adhering to the dual-system model and course standards. it focuses on high-quality education, small-classroom management, and personalized development, aiming to cultivate globally-minded, craftsman-like professionals with comprehensive skills. | 汇川机器人可靠性技术研究院是中德机器人学院依托汇川高等工程师学院建立的校企联合技术攻关平台,聚焦工业机器人故障预测与诊断,为机器人生产企业提升产品质量与价值,为智能制造企业解决因机器人故障停机而造成巨大经济损失的问题。 the inovance institute for robotic reliability technology, an academic-corporate platform for technology r&d, was developed through the collaboration between the school of sino-german robotics and the inovance college for senior engineers. this platform specializes in the predictive diagnostics of industrial robotics, designed to enhance the product quality and value for robotics manufacturers and address significant economic losses caused by robot malfunctions in smart manufacturing industries. | 专业技术类教师 technical professional teacher | 科研为主型教师岗 research-oriented | 3 | 研究生 postgraduate | 博士 doctoral degree | 信息与通信工程、计算机科学与技术、自动控制、机械工程、人工智能等相关专业 information and communication engineering, computer science and technology, automatic control, mechanical engineering, artificial intelligence, etc. | 年龄为35周岁以下,具有3年以上知名企业技术、高校或科研院所相关工作经历的可放宽至40周岁。 under 35 years old, relaxable to 40 years for candidates with over three years of relevant experience in well-known enterprises, universities, or research institutes. | 1.聚焦工业机器人故障预测与诊断问题开展科学研究; 2.每年发表2-3篇高水平论文或申请/授权国家发明专利2-3项; 3.参与指导联合培养研究生1-2名; 4.完成领导安排的其它科研工作。 1. conduct scientific research on fault prediction and diagnostics of industrial robots; 2. publish two or three high-quality papers or file for two or three national invention patents annually; 3. co-supervise one or two graduate students; 4. complete other research tasks as assigned by leaders. |
岗位2 position 2 | 工业互联网技术专业是中德职业教育深度合作交流项目的落地专业,2017年9月首次迎新,2021年应教育部要求更名为工业互联网技术专业。专业引入德国职业教育理念,参照德国“双元制”模式和专业课程标准,培养具有国际视野、具备工匠精神的、符合工业互联网网络运维、工业互联网集成应用、工业app设计开发等岗位技能要求的高素质人才。 the industrial internet technology program is a key sino-german vocational education initiative. it welcomed its first intake of students in september 2017 and was renamed industrial internet technology program in 2021 as per the ministry of education's directive. this program adopts german vocational educational principles and adheres to the dual-system model and course standards. it aims to cultivate globally-minded, craftsman-like professionals with skills in the maintenance of industrial internet networks, integrated applications, and the development of industrial apps. | 外国语言教学类教师 foreign language teacher | 教学为主型教师岗 teaching-oriented | 1 | 研究生 postgraduate | 硕士 master's degree | 日耳曼语言文学、德语语言学、日耳曼语言学、对外德语、跨文化日耳曼语言文学等相关专业 germanic language and literature, german linguistics, germanic linguistics, teaching german as a foreign language, and cross-cultural germanic language and literature | 1.年龄为30周岁以下,具有3年以上相关教学经历者可放宽至35周岁; 2.德语为母语,国籍为德国、奥地利或瑞士; 3.两年及以上德语教学工作经验。 1. under 30 years old, relaxable to 35 years for candidates with over three years of teaching experience; 2. native german speaker with citizenship from germany, austria, or switzerland; 3. at least two years of experience teaching german. | 1.年均教学工作量不少于450学时; 2.参与学院中德合作相关项目; 3.完成领导安排的其它相关工作。 1. maintain a minimum teaching load of 450 hours on average per year; 2. participate in sino-german cooperative projects within the school; 3. complete other tasks as assigned by leaders. | ||
岗位3 position 3 | 计算机学院 the school of computer science | 计算机学院(兼网络空间安全学院)对接深圳支柱产业,以打造信息技术特色为办学宗旨,是学校的重点二级学院,是互联网+时代下培养“it”精英人才的摇篮。学院目前包括计算机应用技术、计算机网络技术、信息安全技术应用、云计算技术应用四个专业。学院目前具有高水平师资团队,博士、双师、高级职称比例位居前列;拥有高质量教学资源,覆盖率和使用率均达到100%;实训条件国内一流,拥有省级专业实训基地、应用技术协同创新中心、工程技术研究中心;科研实力雄厚,社会服务成效显著;与麒麟软件、深信服、奇安信等头部企业合作共建产业学院或工程师学院,共同制订人才培养方案,面向岗位需求构建“岗课赛证”融通的专业课程体系,学生技能竞赛成绩位居全国前茅;同时融入创新创业能力培养,创新创业大赛成绩斐然;专业成就不断突出,学生培养质量不断提高,国际化局面逐步打开,社会声誉显著提高。 the school of computer science, set up to meet the demands for talents of key industries in shenzhen, follows an education philosophy of developing distinctive information technology characteristics. it serves as a vital secondary college within sziit and a hub for cultivating it professionals in the era of "internet plus". the school offers majors in computer application technology, computer network technology, information security technology, and cloud computing technology. it boasts a high-caliber faculty, with a significant proportion holding phds, dual qualifications, and senior professional titles. the school provides top-tier educational resources, all of which are in operation, and houses provincial-level professional training bases, a collaborative innovation center for applied technology, and an engineering technology research center. it is recognized for its robust research capabilities and significant contributions to society. by teaming up with leading companies like kylin software, sangfor technologies, and qax technology group, the school has established industry and engineering academies and designed talent training programs that align closely with the demands of the job market. the integrated curriculum system, which merges course work with job-related competitions and certifications, has placed our students among the top in national skill competitions. furthermore, dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship, the school has delivered outstanding results in competitions, enhanced the quality of student training, expanded its international reach, and significantly boosted its reputation. | 计算机学院信息安全技术应用专业(网络空间安全研究所)成立于2004年,面向广东省内招生,至今已培养两千余名信息安全专业人才。专业是国家高职类双高专业群专业、国家创新发展行动计划骨干专业、广东省一流校高水平专业、省二类品牌专业和校级重点建设专业,拥有信息安全技术专业省级实训基地,开展了高职院校与本科高校协同育人项目,与广东技术师范大学共同培养“4+0”应用型本科人才。 established in 2004 and catering to students within guangdong province, the information security technology program (cyberspace security institute) has trained over two thousand students. this program is recognized as a national high-level vocational initiative, a key program under china’s action plan for innovative development, a high-level program of top-notch universities in guangdong province, a second-tier brand in the province and a key construction program at the college level. it possesses a provincial-level training base for information security technology and has developed education projects in collaboration with vocational and undergraduate institutions, including a "4+0" applied bachelor's degree program in cooperation with guangdong polytechnic normal university. | 专业技术类教师 technical professional teacher | 科研为主型教师岗 research-oriented | 1 | 研究生 postgraduate | 博士 doctoral degree | 计算机大类等相关专业 computer science or related fields | 1.年龄为35周岁以下,具有3年以上知名企业技术、高校或科研院所相关工作经历的可放宽至40周岁; 2.有在人工智能、网络安全、计算机网络、区块链、数据挖掘等方向ccf a类或者jcr 1区论文发表经历。 1. under 35 years old, relaxable to 40 years for candidates with over three years of relevant experience in well-known enterprises, universities, or research institutes; 2. experience in publishing papers in top-tier journals (class a of ccf or q1 of jcr) in areas such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, computer networks, blockchain, or data mining is required. | 1.完成学校规定的教学工作考核要求:即教学工作量不低于56学时/学年。 2.完成学校规定的科研工作考核要求。 3.完成学院安排的其他相关工作。 1. fulfill sziit's mandated teaching workload of no less than 56 hours per year; 2. meet sziit's standards for research performance. 3. complete other tasks as assigned by the school. |
岗位4 position 4 | 信息与通信学院 the school of information and communication | 信息与通信学院积极响应国家数字强国发展战略,精准对接深圳“20+8”战略中的网络与通信产业集群,涵盖物联网应用技术、智能互联网络技术、现代移动通信技术、汽车智能技术4个招生专业。学院为国家“双高计划”高水平专业群建设学院,与华为等龙头企业深度产教融合,打造了鲲鹏产业学院、全球首家华为ict学院国际人才交流中心等育人平台,拥有国家级虚仿实训基地等一流的实训基地,拥有一流的结构化创新型双师团队,博士化率86%,专任教师获华为hcie认证专家20名(全国第一},同时拥有“万人计划”名师、珠江学者等领军人才,近五年科研到账经费超过5000万元。 the school of information and communication, in line with china’s strategy for building itself into a digital powerhouse and shenzhen’s "20+8" strategic industries focusing on network and communication sectors, offers majors in iot application technology, technology for smart connected networks, technology for modern mobile communication, and intelligent automotive technology. as part of the national plan to construct high-level vocational education institutions and disciplines, the school works closely with tech giants like huawei to develop education platforms such as the kunpeng industry college and the world's first international talent exchange center of huawei ict academy. it possesses a national-level training base of virtual simulation and a team of outstanding teachers with dual qualifications. at the school, 86% of teachers hold doctoral degrees and 20 faculty members have been certified as national-leading huawei certified ict experts (hcie). in addition, the school is home to teachers under the "ten thousand talents plan" and pearl river scholars. over the past five years, it has secured more than 50 million yuan in research funding. | 智能互联网络技术研究所,研究方向:依托广东省智能互联网络工程技术研究中心等平台,致力于研究智能互联网络技术,研究方向涉及6g通信、空天地一体化、全域通感与泛在智能、智能互联与应用、可见光通信与光载信息系统、通信与网络安全及应用及新能源物联网等。 the intelligent connected network technology research institute, supported by the guangdong research center of the engineering technology for smart connected networks, focuses on the research of 6g communications, integrated space-air-ground communications, ubiquitous sensing and intelligence, intelligent connected applications, visible light communications, network security, and new energy iot systems. | 专业技术类教师 technical professional teacher | 科研为主型教师岗 research-oriented | 3 | 研究生 postgraduate | 博士 doctoral degree | 信息与通信工程、电子工程、计算机科学与技术、软件工程、电子科学与技术、控制科学与工程、电气工程、自动化、数学等相关专业 information and communication engineering, electronic engineering, computer science and technology, software engineering, electronic science and technology, control science and engineering, electrical engineering, automation, mathematics, etc. | 年龄为35周岁以下,具有3年及以上知名企业、高校或科研院所相关工作经历的可放宽至40周岁。 under 35 years old, relaxable to 40 years for candidates with over three years of relevant experience in well-known enterprises, universities, or research institutes. | 1.完成学校规定的教学工作考核要求:即教学工作量不低于56学时/学年。 2.完成学校规定的科研工作考核要求。 3.完成学院安排的其他相关工作。 1. fulfill sziit's mandated teaching workload of no less than 56 hours per year; 2. meet sziit's standards for research performance. 3. complete other tasks as assigned by the school. |
岗位5 position 5 | 专业技术类教师 technical professional teacher | 教学科研并重型教师岗 teaching and research-oriented | 2 | 研究生 postgraduate | 博士 doctoral degree | 信息与通信工程、电子工程、计算机科学与技术、电子科学与技术、控制科学与工程、数学等相关专业 information and communication engineering, electronic engineering, computer science and technology, electronic science and technology, control science and engineering, mathematics, etc. | 1.完成学校规定的教学工作考核要求,教学工作量不低于320学时/年。 2.完成学校规定的科研工作考核要求。 1. fulfill sziit's mandated teaching workload of no less than 320 hours per year; 2. meet sziit's standards for research performance. | ||||
岗位6 position 6 | 管理学院 the school of management | 管理学院以“成为职业教育体系中,中国一流的管理学院”为愿景,秉承“培育信息化管理人才、服务区域产业发展”的使命,积极探索以互联网+为特色的信息化、国际化商科育人新理念,大力推进传统商务管理类专业与现代信息技术的有机融合,精心打造学生的职业素质和岗位实践能力,为深圳及珠三角地区的各行各业的现代商务管理活动培养信息技术应用能力较强的高素质技术技能人才。学院目前有电子商务(国家骨干校重点建设专业、省示范专业、省二类品牌专业)、现代物流管理(省一流高职院校高水平建设专业、省一类品牌专业)、工商企业管理、文化产业经营与管理、关务与外贸服务、国际商务六个专业,教职员工81名。学院与京东、顺丰、阿里巴巴等头部企业开展校企合作、深入推进产教融合,近3年平均就业率保持在99%,超过七成的学生能够找到与所学专业相关的职业岗位。 the school of management is committed to becoming a leader within china’s vocational education system. with a mission to nurture professionals in information management and support local industries, the school pioneers information-based and international strategies for business education underscored by the “internet plus” initiative. this involves an integration of traditional business management and modern information technology to enhance students' professional competencies and practical skills. by doing so, the school prepares highly skilled technical professionals well-equipped for roles in modern business management across shenzhen and the broader pearl river delta region. the school offers a diverse range of programs including e-commerce (a nationally recognized flagship major offered by key higher vocational colleges, provincial-level demonstration major, and provincial second-class major), modern logistics management (a provincial-level top-tier major for higher vocational colleges and provincial first-class major), business enterprise management, cultural industry management, customs and foreign trade services, and international business, with a team of 81 faculty and staff members. through partnerships with industry leaders like jd.com, sf express, and alibaba, the school has deepened the integration of industry-focused education and maintains an employment rate of 99% over the past three years. remarkably, over 70% of graduates have secured positions directly related to their field of study. | 工商企业管理专业于2008年开始招生,为省级第一批学徒制改革试点专业。专业目前具有一支高水平师资队伍,教师均具有硕士以上学位。本专业一直以企业创新变革为契机,以信息科技发展为指引,深度契合深圳及粤港澳大湾区需要,以优秀师资团队建设为基础,提升专业办学内涵,着力提升育人成效,打造具有鲜明专业特色的发展型、创新型、复合型技术技能人才培养模式。持续拓展优质信息化教学资源,强化新技术、新方法在教育领域的创新应用,深化校企协同育人机制,实施学习成果导向下的教学改革。通过形式多样的社会服务与多渠道对外交流,分享建设成果,扩大辐射范围,力争将工商企业管理专业打造为国内具有影响力和凝聚力的品牌专业。 the business enterprise management program, launched in 2008, was among the first to pilot an apprenticeship system at the provincial level. the program boasts a high-caliber faculty team, with all instructors holding master's degrees or higher. to leverage business innovation and advance information technology, the program is closely aligned with the specific needs of shenzhen and the greater bay area. it has exceptional teachers who focus on enriching the program and improving educational outcomes. the goal is to foster a distinctive, developmental, innovative, and multifaceted approach to training technical professionals. the program keeps expanding high-quality digital educational resources and innovating the application of new technologies and methodologies in education. this includes deepening academic-corporate collaborations and implementing teaching reforms driven by outcomes. through various public services and extensive international exchanges, the program strives to share its achievements and expand its influence, with the goal of establishing itself as a nationally influential and cohesive brand. | 专业技术类教师 technical professional teacher | 科研为主型教师岗 research-oriented | 1 | 研究生 postgraduate | 博士 doctoral degree | 社会科学类等相关专业 social sciences and related disciplines | 年龄为35周岁以下,具有3年以上知名企业技术、高校或科研院所相关工作经历的可放宽至40周岁。 under 35 years old, relaxable to 40 years for candidates with over three years of relevant experience in well-known enterprises, universities, or research institutes. | 1.完成学校规定的教学工作考核要求:教学工作量不低于56学时/年。 2.完成学校规定的科研工作考核要求。 1. fulfill sziit's mandated teaching workload of no less than 56 hours per year; 2. meet sziit's standards for research performance. |
岗位7 position 7 | 滨海土木工程技术研究所 the research institute for coastal civil engineering technology | 滨海土木工程技术研究所是以城市硅铝质固废资源化为主题的研究所,目前有实验场地2200平方米,全职研究人员和工程师19人。依托研究所建设了深圳市龙岗区固废资源化重点实验室、广东省教育厅城市硅铝质固废资源化利用产教融合平台、深圳市科创委高性能土木工程材料力学性能创新平台,研究所具有新材料研发测试方面的cnas资助,是国内唯一一家具备此资质的高职院校。研究所近三年在固废资源化方向共主持相关研究课题20余项,其中国家自然科学基金6项,其中面上项目2项,青年基金项目4项,广东省自然科学基金2项,广东省教育厅重点项目2项,平台建设项目1项,深圳市创新平台项目1项,深圳市技术公共项目1项,深圳市可持续发展专项1项区级科创局项目10余项,总经费1500余万元发表学术论文30余篇,授权发明专利10件,知识产权转化2项,其中尾矿固废建材化技术转化金额为650万元,地质聚合物水泥技术转化金额为100万元。 the research institute for coastal civil engineering technology, set up to utilize resources from urban silicon-aluminum solid waste, operates a 2,200 square meter laboratory and employs 19 full-time researchers and engineers. the institute has established significant platforms and laboratories, including the longgang district key laboratory in the utilization of resources from solid waste, the industry-academia integration platform of resource utilization of urban silicon-aluminum solid waste under the department of education of guangdong province, and the innovation platform for the mechanical properties of high-performance civil engineering materials under shenzhen science and technology innovation commission. it is the only higher vocational college in china recognized by the china national accreditation service for conformity assessment (cnas) for the r&d and testing of new materials. over the past three years, the institute has led over 20 research projects in the utilization of solid waste resources, including six funded by the national natural science foundation of china (two general projects and four projects for young scientists), two funded by the guangdong provincial natural science foundation and two key projects supported by the education department of guangdong province. additionally, the institute has managed one platform construction project, one shenzhen innovation platform project, one shenzhen public technology project, one shenzhen sustainable development project, and over ten projects under district-level science and innovation bureaus. the total funding for these initiatives exceeds 15 million yuan. at the institute, over 30 academic papers have been published, ten authorized invention patents secured, and two intellectual property transfers completed. notably, the technology for transforming tailings waste into building materials has generated 6.5 million yuan, and the geopolymer cement technology has brought in one million yuan. | 专业技术类教师 technical professional teacher | 科研为主型教师岗 research-oriented | 2 | 研究生 postgraduate | 博士 doctoral degree | 海洋工程、材料工程、化学工程等相关专业 marine engineering, etc. material engineering, etc. chemical engineering, etc. | 年龄为35周岁以下,具有3年以上知名企业技术、高校或科研院所相关工作经历的可放宽至40周岁。 under 35 years old, relaxable to 40 years for candidates with over three years of relevant experience in well-known enterprises, universities, or research institutes. | 在研究所部署的研究方向上,申报项目、发表学术论文、申请专利、培养研究生等工作 submit project proposals, publish academic papers, file patent applications, and train graduate students as directed by the institute | |
岗位8 position 8 | 国际交流与合作学院 the school of international exchange and cooperation | 国际交流与合作学院作为教学科研机构,兼外事工作领导小组办公室和港澳台工作领导小组办公室业务,归口管理学校的国际交流与合作工作。国际交流与合作学院下设四个科室:外事科、综合科、留学生管理科、教务管理办公室,包括院长、科长及工作人员在内共9人。 as an educational and research institution, the school of international exchange and cooperation houses the offices of the foreign affairs work leadership group and the hong kong, macau, and taiwan work leadership group. it manages sziit’s international exchange and cooperation initiatives. the school comprises four departments, namely, foreign affairs, general affairs, international student management, and the academic affairs management office, and employs nine staff members including the dean and heads of offices. | 办学走向经济和教育发达国家,推动国产自主可控ict技术走出去,对于提升学校国际影响力具有积极意义。当前正在推进与日本企业和院校的合作,拟通过与日本企业合作为符合条件的学员提供日本企业实习和就业机会,以及面向日本院校推广我校ict技术课程,积极探索专业走向日本,提升学校国际知名度。在校领导的指导下,在筹划开展日语和国际通识职业教育课程教学,拓展学生国际视野事宜。 the school adopts a strategy of engaging with economically and educationally developed countries to promote chinese controllable ict technologies internationally, which is instrumental in enhancing sziit’s global influence. now the school is advancing collaborations with japanese enterprises and academic institutions, seeking to offer internships and employment opportunities in japan for qualified students, and promoting its ict courses to japanese academic institutions. these efforts are directed at enhancing the professional reach into japan and increasing the sziit’s international prominence. under the guidance of the leadership, sziit is planning to introduce japanese language and international general education courses to broaden students' global perspectives. | 外国语言教学类教师 foreign language teacher | 教学为主型教师岗 teaching-oriented | 2 | 研究生 postgraduate | 硕士 master's degree | 日语语言文学类等相关专业 japanese language and literature and related disciplines | 1.日语为母语; 2.年龄为30周岁以下,具有3年以上相关教学经历者可放宽至35周岁。 1. native japanese speaker; 2. under 30 years old, relaxable to 35 years for candidates with over three years of teaching experience. | 1.年均教学工作量不少于450学时; 2.完成领导安排的其它相关工作。 1. maintain a minimum teaching load of 450 credit hours on average each academic year; 2. complete other tasks as assigned by leaders. |
合计 total headcounts | 15 |