一、课题组简介/ introduction
团队领军人才:陈明豪,电子科技大学(深圳)高等研究院教授。陈教授于2013年和2017年获得新加坡南洋理工大学学士和博士学位,并于2019年获得新加坡-麻省理工学院研究与技术联盟人才项目资助的smart研究员。陈教授是微纳米气泡专家,于流体力学颇有建树,在物理顶刊physical review letters连续发表7篇文章,攻克纳米气泡稳定性理论,以及线张力等极具争议的难题。他还专注于深度学习和区块链分析,主张实验与理论相结合,用机器学习研究实际的物理问题。2023年获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)项目,2024年加入电子科技大学(深圳)高等研究院。
the research group of beng hau tan at the shenzhen institute for advanced study, uestc is seeking to hire several postdoctoral scientists. our primary research field is in the area of fluid dynamics and transport phenomena, with particular focus on microscale and nanoscale. these areas are challenging and fruitful areas for research because of the breakdown of continuum physics and the prominence of fluid-structure interactions. while the work is primarily fundamental, our research aims to create a foundational platform for important applications such as purification of multicomponent mixtures or molecular-level monitoring of catalytic performance.
beng hau tan is professor at the shenzhen institute for advanced study, uestc. born and raised insingapore, beng hau received bachelor and doctoral degrees fromnanyangtechnologicaluniversityin 2013 and 2017, and was appointed smart fellow at the singapore-mit alliance for research and technology in 2019. after working in industry for several years as a data scientist specialising in time series deep learning and blockchain analytics, he was awarded the nsfc excellent young scientist in 2023, and joined the shenzhen institute for advanced study in 2024.
the shenzhen institute of advanced studies (sias) of the university of electronic science and technology will offer a very competitive salary for the postdocs (base salary of not less than 340,000 rmb per year, in addition to applying for a number of municipal-level talent subsidies), and we welcome outstanding young phds with experimental and computational backgrounds to join our group!
二、招收方向/ applicant's research background
while the research work is primarily in physics, applicants with research experience aligned with the group are welcome to apply.
experimentalists in the group will work on advanced microscopy techniques to image wetting and transport processes. the ideal candidate will have a background in experimental fluid dynamics/microfluidics/soft matter and have a passion for hands-on research. however, we are keen to work with scientists of any background with extensive hands-on experience in constructing bespoke optical setups (e.g. tirf, spim, optical tweezers, holographic microscopy).
computationalists in the group will focus on wetting processes, transport phenomena and fluid-structure interactions. the ideal candidate will have extensive experience in molecular dynamics, lattice boltzmann, or other similar methods. candidates with experience in accelerated/rare event sampling techniques such as umbrella sampling or metadynamics simulations are especially desirable.
三、申请条件/ requirements
general requirements of the shenzhen institute for advanced study (sias):
1. applicants at postdoctoral level should be below 35 years old and hold a phd degree that is three years of degree conferment.
2. the applicant should be able to commit to the position full time.
3. the applicant should be in good legal standing with the government of the people's republic ofchina.
4.applicants seeking appointment at a higher level (elite postdoctoral talent,英才博士后) are required to meet sias' qualifying criteria.
5.strong spoken and written english skills are required for this position. the applicant will be expected to communicate with the pi in english, as the pi does not have full fluency in chinese.
四、相关待遇/ remuneration package
1. elite postdoctoral talent can be hired under a special "2+3" track. under this track, the candidate will be initially appointed as a postdoctoral fellow for 2 years, before being appointed as an associate researcher for an additional three years. the expected salary is 400,000 rmb per year, with an additional fund of 600,000 rmb. graduates from top international universities can apply for a talent introduction plan that provisions a living allowance of 900,000 rmb and a one-time resettlement allowance of 30,000 rmb.
2. postdoctoral fellows will enjoy an annual salary of at least 340,000 rmb per year over a 2 year appointment. a longer stay at the institute is possible subject to performance assessment at the end of the appointment. graduates from top international universities can apply for a talent introduction plan that provisions a living allowance of 900,000 rmb and a one-time resettlement allowance of 30,000 rmb.
3. phd graduates from the top 300 universities in the world are eligible to apply for a 200,000 rmb talent allowance granted by longhua district.
4. the institute can provide transitional housing and assistance in applying for talent housing up to three years from date of appointment. the institute will also assist the candidate in the relocation of family to shenzhen, as well as enrolment of children to local schools.
5. postdoctoral fellows can enjoy research project awards of up to 200,000 rmb from longhua district, with an additional reward of 100,000 rmb possible.
note: all relevant policy changes are subject to the documents of shenzhen and longhua district.
五、联系方式/ how to apply
有意应聘者请将最新的英文简历(包括基本信息、教育和出版经历、研究领域和成果)发送至benghau(at)uestc.edu.cn,并注明“application for postdoctoral fellow+姓名+今日招聘网jrzp.com”字样。【快捷投递:点击下方“立即投递/投递简历”,即刻进行职位报名】
interested candidates should send an up-to-date resume in english (including basic information, education and publication history, research areas and achievements) to benghau(at)uestc.edu.cn. in the title, please indicate "application for postdoctoral fellow + name".