Do you want to join us in helping to fight the world's most threatening
diseases and enabling access to care for more people around the world? At
Siemens Healthineers, we pioneer breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone.
Everywhere.We offer you a flexible and dynamic environment with opportunities
to go beyond your comfort zone in order to grow personally and professionally.
1. During the development phase of medical devices, serve as an expert and
point of contact for the field of cybersecurity.在医疗设备的开发阶段,担任网络安全领域的专家和联络人2. In
the product definition phase, analyze threat scenarios and define measures to
mitigate security risks.在产品定义阶段,分析威胁情况,并确定降低安全风险的措施3. Support the definition of
cybersecurity requirements for products and processes to comply with relevant
standards andregulations. 为产品和流程的网络安全要求定义提供支持,以符合相关标准和法规4. Accompany product
implementation and advise software architects and developers on
security-related aspects of criticalsoftware components.
协助产品实施,并就关键软件组件的安全相关方面为软件架构师和开发人员提供建议5. Through planning, execution, and
evaluation of cybersecurity tests, to support the verification and validation
of security-related product requirements. 通过规划、执行和评估网络安全测试,为验证和确认与安全相关的产品要求提供支持
6. By monitoring and analyzing security vulnerabilities and incidents, to
ensure the safety of the installed base通过监控和分析安全漏洞和安全事件,确保IB 的安全性
1. Master/Bachelor degree in computer science or a comparable field
计算机相关专业硕士/本科学历2. Extensive professional experience in the field of
cybersecurity, comprehensive knowledge in the areas of IT security andproduct
diseases and enabling access to care for more people around the world? At
Siemens Healthineers, we pioneer breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone.
Everywhere.We offer you a flexible and dynamic environment with opportunities
to go beyond your comfort zone in order to grow personally and professionally.
1. During the development phase of medical devices, serve as an expert and
point of contact for the field of cybersecurity.在医疗设备的开发阶段,担任网络安全领域的专家和联络人2. In
the product definition phase, analyze threat scenarios and define measures to
mitigate security risks.在产品定义阶段,分析威胁情况,并确定降低安全风险的措施3. Support the definition of
cybersecurity requirements for products and processes to comply with relevant
standards andregulations. 为产品和流程的网络安全要求定义提供支持,以符合相关标准和法规4. Accompany product
implementation and advise software architects and developers on
security-related aspects of criticalsoftware components.
协助产品实施,并就关键软件组件的安全相关方面为软件架构师和开发人员提供建议5. Through planning, execution, and
evaluation of cybersecurity tests, to support the verification and validation
of security-related product requirements. 通过规划、执行和评估网络安全测试,为验证和确认与安全相关的产品要求提供支持
6. By monitoring and analyzing security vulnerabilities and incidents, to
ensure the safety of the installed base通过监控和分析安全漏洞和安全事件,确保IB 的安全性
1. Master/Bachelor degree in computer science or a comparable field
计算机相关专业硕士/本科学历2. Extensive professional experience in the field of
cybersecurity, comprehensive knowledge in the areas of IT security andproduct

