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当前位置:首页 > 校园招聘 > 教职工招聘 > 浙江大学全球招聘优秀博士后

发布:2023-05-27 19:38:00  关注:42914次


Located in the historical and picturesque city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang University is a prestigious institution of higher education with a long history, and its roots can be traced back to the Qiushi Academy founded in 1897 which was one of the earliest modern academies of higher education established in China.

学校始终秉承以 求是创新 为校训的优良传统,以天下为己任、以真理为依归,逐步形成了 勤学、修德、明辨、笃实 的浙大人共同价值观核心词和 海纳江河、启真厚德、开物前民、树我邦国 的浙大精神,着力培养德智体美劳全面发展、具有全球竞争力的高素质创新人才和领导者,也涌现出大批著名科学家、文化大师以及各行各业的精英翘楚,为实现中华民族伟大复兴、推进人类文明交流互鉴作出了积极贡献。

During its development, Zhejiang University has always been committed to the university motto Seeking Truth, Pursuing Innovation , gradually forming a common value of diligent, virtuous, discerning, honest and a spirit of inclusive, enlightening, creative, responsible . We are taking effort to cultivate high-quality innovative talents and leaders with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness and global competitiveness. A number of famous scientists, masters in cultural sector and leaders of all industries have emerged from the university and contributed to the progress of human civilization.

经过一百二十多年的建设与发展,学校已成为一所基础坚实、实力雄厚、特色鲜明、在海内外有较大影响的研究型、综合型、创新型大学,设有7个学部、39个专业学院(系)、1个工程师学院、2个中外合作办学学院、7家直属附属医院。在ESI全部22个学科中,有21个学科进入世界前1%,10个学科进入世界前1 (数据来源:ESI,2022.12)。教师中有全职两院院士45人,文科资深教授14人,高层次人才及优秀青年人才1600余人。

After its over 120-year history, Zhejiang University has become a comprehensive, research-oriented and innovative university with solid foundation and strength, special characteristics, and influence at home and abroad. It has 7 faculties, 39 colleges (departments), a Polytechnic Institute, 2 international collaboration institutes and 7 directly affiliated hospitals. Among all 22 research disciplines covered by ESI, Zhejiang University has 21 disciplines listed among global top 1%, in which 10 are in the world s top 1 (ESI data, December 2022). There are 45 full-time academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 14 senior professors of liberal arts, and more than 1600 state-level talents in the university.

学校是全国首批设立博士后科研流动站的高校,累计招收培养博士后11000余名,目前已在13个学科门类设有61个博士后科研流动站,是全国流动站最多、设站学科最全的高校。为更好打造学校青年人才队伍,赋能学校 双一流 建设,学校启动新一轮博士后全球招聘工作,诚邀海内外青年博士加盟!

As one of the first batch of universities in China that set up postdoctoral research centers, Zhejiang University has recruited and trained more than 11000 postdoctoral researchers, now owns 61 postdoctoral research centers in 13 disciplines, which is the most in the number of research center and has the most comprehensive disciplines. To construct a better young talents team and enable the university s Double-First Class initiative, we are launching a new round of global recruitment for postdoctoral research fellow and sincerely inviting young doctors from home and abroad to join us!





I. Requirements:

1.Recent PhD graduates in three years who are intellectually and morally good as well as physically and mentally healthy and with academic ethics;

2. Under the age of 35;

3. Applicants shall work full-time during their stay in the employment unit.




II. Responsibilities:

1.Perform scientific research as the major task and complete postdoctoral research work at the scheduled time;

2.Apply for funding programs of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and other scientific research projects based on research needs; cooperate with the supervisor to undertake key research projects; publish papers in key publications worldwide.


1. 有竞争力的薪酬待遇。学校与政府主管部门、各优势学科、合作导师、校地合作平台等协同构建博士后资助体系,实施分类资助,特别优秀者应发年薪在40万元以上。

2. 便利的生活保障。优惠租住学校教师公寓,提供完善的生活配套。缴纳相应事业养老、医疗等社会保险,办理子女入托等。出站留浙可享受当地人才政策。


4.完善的国际合作网络。学校依托与麻省理工学院、剑桥大学、斯坦福大学等九所顶尖大学深度合作,专项选派优秀博士后赴外合作研究;在海宁国际校区试行 伙伴高校联合招收博士后计划 ,与世界一流大学合作招收培养优秀博士后;支持各流动站依托现有海外合作基础开展博士后海外交流。



III. Salary and Benefits:

1.Competitive Salary Package:The university collaborates with relevant governmental departments, preponderant disciplines, supervisors, and university-local authority cooperation platforms to build a postdoctoral funding system and operates a tiered funding for university-employed postdoctoral researchers. The annual salary for outstanding postdoctoral candidates may reach more than 400,000 CNY.

2.Guaranteed Living Benefits:Apartments with preferential rents and excellent living facilities are available; social insurance including endowment and medical insurance shall be covered; underage children of postdoctoral researchers are entitled to enter nurseries.Researchers who find jobs in Zhejiang after the postdoctoral program are entitled to local talent policy.

3.Favourable Research Platform:The research group is responsible for ensuring adequate research funding and experiment conditions, supporting the application of various scientific research projects and the participation of international academic conferences.

4.Sound International Cooperation Network:Through the deep collaboration with 9 top universities including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge University and Stanford University, the university dispatches outstanding postdoctoral researchers abroad for cooperative research work; the trial Joint cultivation of Postdoctoral Fellows with Partner Universities Recruitment Program is implemented in Haining International Campus to cultivate great postdoctoral researchers jointly with world s first-class universities; postdoctoral research centers international communication is supported based on the current overseas cooperation.

5.Clear Career Development:Postdoctoral researchers who meet the requirements shall be recommended to apply for the national young talent program and enjoy the priority to the application of university s teaching and research position after completing the postdoctoral program.

6.Flexible Research Term:Postdoctoral researchers may negotiate with the recruiting department and supervisor to determine the contract period within the scope of national policies according to the needs of the research project.


请将个人简历、学历学位证书、科研成果清单(如:获奖、鉴定、专利证书、学术论文等)及其余佐证材料整合为单一文档,以 博士后申请+姓名+院系+学科方向+今日招聘网 为主题,发送到各院系(单位)联系人或者意向合作导师邮箱。


l  浙江大学博士后流动站、院系人事科以及相关博导信息查询网址:

l  浙江大学人力资源处博士后工作办公室联系电话:+86-571-88981423,88981453

IV. Contact Us

Please put your resume, diploma, list of scientific research achievements (such as: awards, appraisals, patent certificates, academic papers, etc.) and other supporting materials into a single document and send it to the corresponding department contacts or intended supervisor via email with the subject Postdoctoral .

After passing the initial review, the applicant will be invited to an online interview or offline interview in Hangzhou. Those who pass the interview shall complete Zhejiang University Application and Registration Process for Postdoctoral Admission.

l  Zhejiang University postdoctoral research centers, department/colleges personnel office and supervisors information website:

l  Office of Postdoctoral Affairs of Human Resources Department, Zhejiang University: +86-571-88981453, +86-571-88981423






